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When I was a boy, I only went to church on Easter Sunday and for funerals. As I got older, it just didn’t make any sense to me to go at all, so I stopped going.

If anyone ever asked me to go to church, my answer was always no, because there was no reason to say yes knowing I wasn’t going to show up, so the answer was no.

However, the thing about going to church was, that it was never boring and it was always great to hear the Word of God.

Thankfully, the Lord sent someone to tell me that I needed a Saviour and God saved me through faith in Jesus Christ. God can do the same for you today.

Why Do I Need To Get Saved?

We are all sinners: Sin entered the world through Adam and is passed to everyone at birth – You don’t have to teach a child how to lie, steal, cheat. etc.  Romans 5:12-14

Sin – “Sin is any lack of conformity to the moral character of God or the law of God. We sin by thinking evil, speaking evil, acting evil or omitting good.” John F. MacArthur

Adam’s sin: Genesis 2:15-17 : 3:1-19

The wages of sin is death: Romans 6:23

We were born a sinner because sin was passed on to us at birth. God is a HOLY God and sin cannot dwell in His presence.

In the same manner that sin and death were passed on to us at birth through Adam, righteousness, and life is passed on to those who believe through Jesus Christ.   Romans 5:19  

To pass from death to life, we must be saved. To get saved we must be born a second time or born again. John 3:1-7

We are saved by faith in God’s Word  John 3:16-18  

How To Be Saved

Romans 10:1-13

When we hear the preaching or the sharing of the Word of God and believe the Word in our heart, then we confess with our mouth that we are saved.

Salvation is a gift from God, by grace, not by good deeds or any type of works we may have done. Salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ alone because Jesus has paid the price for our sin.

If you have not received the Gift of Salvation by believing the Word of God then you can do so today.  

Start by repenting (turn) from your sins, and turn to Jesus. Ask Him to forgive you of your sins, and acknowledge Him as Lord of your life.

Here is the prayer from Pastor Rogers:

Now while heads are bowed and eyes are closed, if you would like to receive Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, if you would just pray and tell Him that you’re a sinner, that you cannot save yourself, that you believe that Jesus Christ paid your sin debt on the cross with His blood. 

And then pray like this, “Lord Jesus, I turn from my sin to You. I confess You as Lord. I believe that God raised You from the dead, and I trust You to save me. Help me never to be ashamed of You. In Your name, Amen


May God continue to bless and strengthen you in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As the Father to lead you to a Bible-believing church where you get the Word of God and fellowship with other believers.

The outline and transcript for Pastor Roger’s sermon can be found here. GET OUTLINE & TRANSCRIPT


Be Blessed my friend,

Christopher Thompson